The value destruction caused by the downfall of the stock markets at the beginning of this decade has urged many private investors to review their appreciation of traditional asset management techniques. Watching a stock collapse without attempting to react in the hope that it will recover in the long run is no longer perceived as an adequate answer to managing a portfolio.
As a High Net Worth Individual or Family you are concerned with the preservation, appreciation, optimization and transmission of your assets. Article by Philippe Szokoloczy
published in Exel
You are looking for a proactive approach aiming at absolute returns within clearly defined risk parameters.
Confronted to an increasingly complex financial, legal and fiscal environment and faced with a multitude of professionals trying to convince you that their product is the best, how do you know what really is the best for you?
MGA works for you and in your interest. Not for a bank or an investment fund promoting its own products. We are on your side to help you to identify the appropriate solutions, the most suitable products and the best value service providers.
Somewhere between the traditional concept of the family advisor and the modern concept of the virtual family office, MGA is your partner working hand in hand with you in the continuous search for solutions matching your needs and your objectives. Article by Philippe Szokoloczy
published in Denaris
You are our reason to be, and we intend to stay very close to your concerns in order to deserve the trust which you have placed with us.